Red Jasper Mushroom
Red Jasper Mushroom
Red Jasper Mushroom

Red Jasper Mushroom

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Red Jasper Mushroom

Includes 1 mushroom 

Mushrooms are power symbols from long ago. They represent the powers of the world that exists abundantly but are usually unseen. As a result of this, they are typically considered psychic symbols, and symbols of the call of magic.

"I am full of vitality, endurance & stamina"

Red Jasper gives you the courage to speak out and have personal independence.  It brings vitality & a surge of life force energy.  It inspires a positive attitude, giving you the motivation to chase your dreams.  A stone of health, strengthening, detoxifies the circulatory system, the blood & liver.  Grounds your energy & brings problems to light before they become too big.  Excellent worry bead & calming the emotions when played with.  Known as the supreme nurturer, it supports during stress.  Gives you determination & encourages honesty to yourself.  Aids quick thinking transforms ideas into action.  Supports during long illness & hospitalization.