Chakra 9 Daily Intention Journal
Chakra 9 Daily Intention Journal
Chakra 9 Daily Intention Journal
Chakra 9 Daily Intention Journal
Chakra 9 Daily Intention Journal

Chakra 9 Daily Intention Journal

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The Chakra 9 Custom Created Daily Intention Journal 

Set your daily intentions and put them out into the universe.

50 Pages in each journal.

"Choose your vibration" This statement has been a crucial affirmation for me personally. I have gone to great lengths seeking freedom from self and I have the power to focus on and choose my vibration for the day. Energies align with intentions and a chosen vibration attracts the same universal vibration introducing more of what you are focused on vibrationally. (Yes the word vibration was used way too often in that statement, but it's all about the VIBE!)

"Since you have the power to create, choose joyfully." Just remember, SINCE you have the power to create your reality, you have the freedom to choose and make massive changes in your life and attract what you are putting out. Manifestation is a real thing. Try it for yourself.

Intention setting with crystals and or meditation allows you to connect with your own wants, needs and highest good.

It also helps you figure out what you want more of in life. 

The intention journal is here to support you on your journey and can help you stay focused on your chosen path of freedom.